Photos © Lost Art


Although concretist and neo-concretist art arose hand-in-hand with the industrialization process in Brazil, they were ignored by the modernists and left out of Brasília’s urban landscape. With the exhibition Brasília e o Construtivismo: um encontro adiado [Brasília and Constructivism: A Postponed Encounter], however, they finally came to the city. At the moment when Brazil was celebrating the 50th anniversary of its capital, the exhibition brought about the meeting of urbanism and architecture with constructivist art. Sculptures by Amilcar de Castro, Hélio Oiticica and Franz Weissmann were displayed in the gardens of CCBB, while its rooms hosted an exhibition of sculptural/tridimensional artworks and designs by Lygia Clark, Lygia Pape, Waldemar Cordeiro, Luis Sacilotto, and others. Curated by Fernando Cocchiarale.

Place and Date:

Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Brasília, DF – July to Sept. 2010

Total viewers: 22,000


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